Ryan J van Baal
Dealer Zo: 1811679
Phone No: 604-812-7428
Role of an Independent AMSOIL Dealer: In an effort to provide personal service to our online clients, an Independent AMSOIL Dealer is assigned to fulfill & attend to customer questions.
Your AMSOIL dealer can answer any of your pre and post sale questions. The form that you see below is connected directly to the assisting dealers email inbox. Just send an email and your questions should be answered within 24 hours.
An Independent AMSOIL Dealer can assist you regardless of his / her geographical location. In general all AMSOIL products are drop shipped from the closest distribution center to your address. Refer shipping page for more details.
If for some reason you are not happy with the assigned dealer, just contact support team and we will have someone else assist with your needs.
Once you have become our customer, same assisting dealer is later assigned as your permanent "Servicing Dealer". A servicing dealer is your friend for years to come. You can always call regarding AMSOIL products, services and other issues, if one should arise.